Solomon Okyere is a Ghanaian businessman and the CEO of Carlsberry Empire.

Life Story
Solomon Okyere's childhood life was no happy one. He was in the midst of 4 siblings and a single mother. When he turned 9 he was left with no option than to also hawk buffloaf to support himself after school.
He went through this routine for nearly 10years.
At the age of 19, Solomon Okyere risked part of his school fees to start business as a distributor of Longrich International.
Even though he didn't see the results in the early stage he kept on believing that he was going to succeed in the business. Before the year ended he had qualified for his first car and a trip to china. Then the journey began. Today he has won 4 cars from the company, all expense paid trips to USA, CHINA, DUBAI and TANZANIA, a Degree Scholarship to study a course of his choice in Soochoo University and he is heading for the stars in this business....

Before i sign out let me quote something from T.S Eliot. He said,''Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go''.

For more information on Longrich Business and how to join you may call / whatsapp 0270751171